Repair wood rot damage with epoxy
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Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc.
Pittsfield, NH 03263
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Repair wood rot damage with epoxy
We have over 40 different different epoxies for every kind of marine, home, industrial application and project. We offer more kinds and types of epoxies than any other source. We are a technical/chemical company not a sales organization. Providing epoxy help, support and products since 1990.
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"Thanks for all your advice, tips & moral support concerning my project. It turned out beautiful. Quality people backing a quality product is the only way to go!" Joe
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Member: SSPC - Soc of Protective Coatings
Member: NACE - National Assoc Corrosion Engineers
- CUSTOMER FEEDBACK: "Hello: I would be glad to help someone else work through this seemingly daunting task (repairing log cabin walls).
I think what really helped me was to realize that this entailed a lot of very doable individual tasks , all within the skill level of most handymen or women. One other note: patience is required.
Step 1/ remove all rotted wood. In our case , this was about 1/2 the diameter of our 12" logs. I found the best tool to remove the rotted wood was a 12"or 14" electric light duty chain saw.
Step 2/ Then I sprayed anti-freeze on the remaining wood to stop the rot. I let the logs dry for several days and then repeated the anti-freeze spraying. Again, I let it completely dry for several days.
Step 3/ I soaked the remaining logs with Low V 2-part epoxy ,let it dry for a couple of days and repeated the process. I used a paint brush to apply the Low-V , and generously applied it. Use a throw-away paint brush each time , because it will be unusable after use.
- A top problem solving coating - best seller
Step 4 / I then cut dimensional lumber to replace the rotted wood . I used 2" x ? ,because they were cheap and convenient to work. I would cut each one to fit individually . So the first one was a 2" x 12" , set vertically. Then the next board was a 2" x 8" , then a 2" x 6" , and ultimately a 2" x 4". Then I sandwiched them all together , and deeply counter-sunk the screws so I wouldn't interfere with my rounding off the exterior of the wood. This may sound confusing , so let me describe what the end result looked like. Envision a 12" log 3' long. Half of this log was rotted and removed. So my sandwich to replace the rotted wood was a 2" x 12" , 3' long , a 2" x 8" 3' long , a 2" x 6" 3' long and a 2" x 4" 3' long. These would all be set vertically and attached together with a couple of long screws [ or you could glue them, I would think]. Before you attach them together you can remove the excess material with a circular saw , a band saw or your chain saw. The end result is a sandwich of lumber about 6" wide and 3' long , with the outside diameter being a 12" radius to match the 1/2 log remaining. Then I screwed this sandwich to the remaining log [ I used screws made by Fasten-Master Timber Lok. These are not cheap but are very high quality].
Step5/ I mixed a batch of Wet/Dry 700 Epoxy , (A top problem solving coating - best seller) and slathered it over the sandwich and between the sandwich and the remaining original log. If it suits you to thicken this material , you can use sawdust or sand . I found the sawdust thickener to be more user friendly to the last step of removing any wood that doesn't look like a log. The sand is really hard on whatever tool you use to dress up your log. I found the best tool to use for the sculpting of you log is a grinding wheel used on an angle grinder.[ It is called "Gallahad" ]. A caution: This is a really aggressive tool and you need to hang on. But you could use any tool you feel comfortable with : Body grinder , chain saw , disc sander or even files. I wish you well.
One last word : Paul Oman (owner of Progressive Epoxy - 603 435 7199) is a very knowledgeable man , and freely shares his knowledge. His products are high quality and as represented. And he answers his phone."
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